We have a large range of seasonal bedding
plants available from our High Street shop in Selkirk. Pansies, Violas, Sweet William, Sweet Peas, and Primroses are looking great and are ready for planting out now. We also have a selection of ready planted pots for that easy, instant hit of colour. At Down To Earth, we pride ourselves on supplying the highest quality of plants at highly competitive prices – in fact the next time you are visiting your local garden centre – check their prices and then check ours – we are confident that you could save a fortune at Down To Earth.
If you have any specific plant requirements, please let us know. We can also supply a wide range of established fruit trees and bushes – for instance large apple and plum trees in 10 litre pots for well under £30.
We supply hanging baskets, ready planted with high quality composts and lovely mature plants, ready to hang outside. We try to source as many of our plants as possible from local suppliers, aiming to help local producers. This is a philosphy we are keen on throughout the shop – most of our potatoes are grown locally, along with lots of our veg. We also supply honey, jam, biscuits and soft fruits from local sources as often as possible. We supply locally grown flowers, bedding plants, hanging baskets, strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries from local garden nurseries – fresh produce grown just outside of Selkirk.